
Despite the questioning title, I am home. And I want to thank all of you who were praying for me. Now's the time where I say, "It was awesome" but I just feel like that's so inadequate and often times that is used to describe such a variety of things from your wedding to the snack you ate a few minutes ago so instead: this trip is just the beginning. I don't know what more is to come from it, but I know God knows and that's all I need to know. My perspective on almost everything has changed and the Lord has been soooo merciful and kind to me. I miss Honduras so much. That's why there's a question mark after the title Home...because I feel like I left my home. But I said to mi madre last night, "the Lord wanted me in Honduras and now I suppose He wants me here." I must admit, I've been close to depressed this morning just because I miss it down there so much, but I'm trusting in God's goodness and some pick me up chocolate (I'm still very tired) and I know that all that I have experienced will begin to make sense to me in God's time. I will write more later mi amigos, but for now, I thought I'd just let you know that I made it home safely by God's protection and goodness. (Oh, and plane rides, seriously, they're so much fun!...just thought I'd let you know that...because...they're like...a lot of fun.)


  1. Diode es muy grande mi hermana!! Gloria a Dios. It must be beautiful experience... :)
    And I cant wait talk with you. I would love to hear about Honduras.

    Te quiro chica y Dios te bendiga.

    1. Ah! Te quiero tambien, mi hermana! Si, gloria a Dios! I would love to talk to you about it...sometime this week we should chat, okay? Hasta entonces!

  2. Que Dios te bendiga mi hermana en Cristo!


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