Choosing to See the Snow


It's not fantastic like a warm, sea-filled breeze, or as delightful as the kiss of the sun on bare arms, but it does give a peculiar peace to the ugly of Winter, and for that, I'm thankful.

Nutmeg. She's my pseudo-pet-hedgehog. She wanted to say "hello".

Being Wednesday, mid-week, I think we all could use a little reminder to slow contemplate what's beautiful around us. Even if you, like me, don't particularly fancy the cold weather, there is a lot of beauty in it, and we need to choose to see. 

Choose to see what's good in the midst of the bad, and you'll find your perspective will change...

All that being said, and despite how beautiful it is, I look forward to Winter being over. 
Till then, enjoy a peace-filled and snow-filled week.


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