For all that I am not

Life has a tendency to wear one down, to bring inadequacies and fears to surface. Oh soul, rather than stuffing down fear, inadequacies, and pain, let it be brought to the surface and dealt with once and for all. Jesus heals brokenness, and He brings light to the shadows in which we like to hide. I wrote the following more than a year ago, but I was just reading through an old journal and found that it spoke to me just as much today as it did then, so I thought that I would share it:

Jesus is the "I AM" for all that I am not. He has an I AM for all that I need:

I AM the bread of life. You, Jesus, are my food.
I AM the light of the world. You are the light by which I see everything.
I AM the door of the sheep. You are my doorway.
I AM the resurrection and the life. You are my survival.
I AM the way, the truth, and the life. You are my guide.
I AM the true vine. You are my very root.

When I am weak, You say, I AM strong.
When I am scared, You say, I AM with you.
When I sin, You say, I AM your righteousness.

Jesus was sacrificed by God for me, not because I'd done anything to deserve it, but because He in His grace loved us enough to pour out all His righteous wrath upon His own Son that we may become His children through Jesus' blood.

"Thus says the Lord, "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16


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