This is she speaking

It's been quite a while since I wrote a blog post, and I suppose that's partially because I've been busy but also because I am not sure how to express anything of what is going on nowadays. My life is in so many snapshots, and there seem to be many hats that I put on throughout the day, that I can't find the common thread that strings them all together. So rather than attempt coherence, I am just going to speak.

My house is slowly disappearing before my eyes. I leave to run errands, come back, and some part of what used to be home is now gone. Our family adopts a slow'n'steady approach to moving, making it a gradual transition instead of a sudden wisp of a wand and walla: you've moved! This has it's perks but can also make you feel like your being carefully and craftfully robbed by an insider, or maybe the cats. You start searching for things and you never find them because they just aren't there anymore (or is that stress-induced dementia?). But I'm okay with that, because sudden transitions can be fun, but also downright emotionally exhausting.

The little Google Chromebook I ended up buying because my trustworthy laptop stopped working on me is quite useful, though I believe I had previously sworn I disliked Google products. I was even able to switch the setup of the keyboard to be in Spanish. The appearance of it is still a standard English keyboard, so I've had to figure out where eveything is by playing around with it like a little child. I still don't know where the "at" sign is though, so I just copy and paste it instead.

I spent the evening at my friend's house, and at some point I mentioned "my sister's father-in-law" and maybe it was because the words sounded so awkward on my tongue, or they perhaps because they seemed foriegn to my friends as well, but for whatever reason they looked up at me and said, "That's a little odd for you to say, isn't it?". Admittedly it is, it's even difficult to say "brother-in-law", which I find funny because I've been calling him "brother" every since we met. However, referring to someone as your brother or sister is normal Dominican speak and I like it so much that sometimes I find myself doing the same thing in English, yet it just doesn't seem to work. I imagine myself in the check-out line at Wegmans and as I'm leaving with my bags I say to the guy, "Thanks, brother!"

Nighttime snow-fall is beyond a doubt my favorite, because you go to sleep and it comes so unobtrusively while you lay there, unaware of its arrival. Waking up, the world seems softer, and everything inside is so much cozier. Everyone makes breakfast in the kitchen and we eat it around the boxes and mess of our dining room table. I'm not a fan of the cold, but I will admit that I find a lot of pleasure in those types of days.

When people ask about school, I simply give them the one-liner response: one more semester to go and then I'm finished. But while I'm giving them that simple answer, I'm thinking about a million other things in my head: how it's never finished, how there may be a lot more school ahead of me, or how maybe there won't be, how I'm thinking about different jobs I have as a possibility, what types of color scrubs I want to wear, and what it's all going to be like as a newly trained Nurse in the real-world. My mind flashes back to me working at the Nursing Simulation Lab one day and how this TV show was being recorded in the building, so they wanted me to work with one of the mankins.
I went to go flush the IV line with the saline so I grab a saline syringe and attempt to pull the plunger down a tad-bit as is necessary before pushing the saline.The plunger was being difficult so I pulled a little harder and next thing I knew the entire thing had come out, and I stood there holding the two pieces of the syringe with a bunch of saline water all over the bedding. Mind you, the President of the college is there watching me along with one of my instructors. Turning a slight shade of red, I'm pretty sure said, "Umm, can you maybe edit that part out?"

Being totally honest, one of my favorite memories was driving back home late one night and stopping at the red-light. A big Wegmans truck pulled up beside me and I looked over at the driver, we smiled, waved, and went on. That moment restored so much of my faith in humanity.

I was sick for the 4 days leading up to my final exam, and I found myself growing so fond of sleep and food, it was astonishing. I've always loved sleep, but I started to find myself get really jealous if other people mentioned they had slept "SO. WELL." Because that was all I wanted: to sleep and wake up refreshed instead of sicker. Thankfully, that jealousy is now gone and replaced with my own happy self who gets sleep and wakes up refreshed and feeling better.

I'm pretty sure I would live in Wegmans if I could. 'Cause in one post that is supposedly random and not about one particular topic, I've mentioned Wegmans 2 times and here I go with the 3rd. I was shopping for cookie ingredients since that was one of the ways my family was raising funds for our trip to the D.R. and I ran into my favorite employee, Charlie, who I've loved so much that I'm considering naming a child after him. Anyway, I said "Hello!" and he asked what I was up to, so I explained the cookie fundraiser and he then said, "Wait a second," and pulled out his checkbook and wrote me a check. Am I seriously in New York?

In summary, I've been overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people, the transitions going on in this season have been numerous and are far from over, Wegmans is the best place on earth, I'm still googling "how to find the -at- symbol", and I believe that now my heart will feel a little lighter because now I have spoken.


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