Dance Like No One Is Looking

Did you know that every single day, every single hour and minute and second of every single moment of your life, God is with you? And that He's always waiting, waiting, patiently for you to come to Him. He's already come to you, but it's up to you to acknowledge Him. He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants you to say, 

"Wow, what a beautiful sunrise, thanks God," 
"This food is amazing, thank You Father," 
"I am alive today, praise Jesus!" 

I think as Americans we get so discouraged with just the ordinary blessings. 

Blessings like rising up in the morning to see the sun glow behind the shadowy hues of cloud and sky. Blessings like having food on the table. 
Education, a voice to sing with, a cello and piano to play, a house to live in that stands strong against winter winds. 

Blessings like best friends and bicycles. Upcoming test dates and plans.

And things like missions trips...specifically to Honduras. Yeah, there's a lot to be thankful for. And sometimes I'm just incredulous at myself: "Seriously Maryah, you're discouraged....again?????" 
And I say back to myself, 
"Um...well, kind of...I mean, see, things just aren't happening!" 
"Things aren't happening? Oh child...dear child, what is wrong with your head? I think you need to get it examined...after all, you are having a conversation with yourself and not only that, but you're writing about it on your blog!!! You need to get realistic here. You've got so much going on. So much to be thankful for."

And then I confess. Yes, I confess. I have so much happening. Cello lessons, dissections, ice skating, and get togethers are some of the events on my calendar this week. But it's not just events and circumstances with wonderfully happy people that should lift my spirits. The fact that Jesus died for me and is living and loving me at this very moment, alone, should be enough to make me want to clap my hands, rejoice and sing praises! 

Dear reader, 
If there is a moment today or this week when you're just incredibly joyful or in awe of the Lord, seriously jump up and down and praise God. I promise you, you won't regret it. 
~Yours truly. 

Moving on, or not really, because I am just so in love with Jesus that I think I want to write about Him some more. 

He saved the world. He's even better than superman...and He doesn't wear a dorky cape. (No offense to any superman lovers out there...but the cape really just doesn't work for me). 

He loves me even when I wake up and look in the mirror and ask myself if I'm crazy and say I should go back to bed and then get upset at myself for sleeping in and He knows pretty much everythingggg about me but still, STILL He loves me. 

So why do I ever doubt or get discouraged? Why is it so often that a circumstance or email has to dictate my happiness? 

Well, a long time ago, a woman named Eve took a bite out of some forbidden fruit and then her husband Adam did too and apparently it did something that made them realize that they weren't wearing clothes and that's when things got complicated. 

So yeah, it's a fallen world with fallen people but if I fall, I just need to make sure that I fall into the arms of Jesus and He will always, always lift me up. I might go through hard times, I may be persecuted, I might have joy upon joy and praise after praise and there will be laughter and there will be tears but through it all He will help me, He will strengthen me, He will uphold me with His righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) His promises never fail because He cannot lie and because of this we can hold fast to the hope set before us. (Hebrews 6:18
What is this hope that we have? Revelations 21:1-8 says that there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. We will dwell in His presence and He will call us sons and daughters. Our tears will be no more, neither shall there be any mourning, no death, no poverty, no pain. Only pure joy. To the thirsty He will give the spring of the water of life. And we will cast our crowns down at His feet and worship Him forevermore. 

Ten thousand years shall pass. It will be but a day. Ten thousand more years shall pass and we will still be in His presence, worshipping, marveling at His wonders and entertaining angels. :) 

And that, my friends, is a reason to get off of the computer and dance around and shout, "Thank you GOD!" Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go turn on some music and dance. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. 


  1. I really enjoyed this post. It is exactly what I've been feeling like lately. Sometimes discouraged but then I remember that I am blessed beyond measure. Yes! God's love alone should make us want to get up and song and dance praises to our beautiful King! Why do we so easily let something very small like someone saying something mean determine our happiness!?? God is so wonderful!!! His love should make us have eternal joy always! He is so awesome! I feel like doing like you said and getting up and dining really loud praises to my God or dancing like no one is watching :)

    haha! Yes! God is sooo better than superman! God is a REAL hero and literally saved us from death by laying down His life for us AND then rising from the tomb!!!!! You can't beat that! Yes, I agree, superman's little dorky mask is quite lame ;) I'm not trying to he offensive to people who like superman though just so everyone knows :)
    Thanks for the encouraging post :)

    1. Haha, glad you agree with me about Superman! ;) And yeah, He is just so amazing through everything. Thank you for the encouraging comment! :)

  2. Honey, I realllyyyy loved this post!!! You're so right, it's so true, God is SO AMAZING, and I love Him and you so very much.
    It is rather astonishing that with all the blessings God has given me, with all that I know of His faithfulness and love, I can still find things to get upset at or disheartened with, trivial things that will be gone by tomorrow. (Or sooner.) It's certainly hard to remember that we're not in control, so there's no need to get discouraged!
    I promise you that the next time something makes me incredibly joyful, I'll jump up and down, praise God, and sing to Him like no one can hear. ;) =D

    And yeah, Superman....nah uh. ;)


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