My Scatterings

When it comes to writing, I do much better with a pencil and paper. My creative thinking seems to flow better through the familiar sway of pencil or pen than it does with fingers and letters on a keyboard. But seeing as I can't post on my blog using a pencil and paper, unless I were to write out a post and then type it up, I'll just have to be content with racking my brain to think of something to write about. 

"It's just, there's nothing to write about...I don't know what to say," says my keyboard tapping fingers.
My hand, holding the pencil and pressing against the blank page thinks differently though, 
"Alas, the endless amount of words, phrases, the vast quantity of stories to be told, all just waiting right here within this pencil, this pencil that is like a part of me.

The fingers on the keyboard pipe up, "Well, when you get back from Honduras you'll have something to write long as you aren't too bust studying for that Western Civilization test that you'll be taking in exactly 12 days from your arrival home.

"But I want to write something now, besides, there is so much to write about! I want to make people laugh, I want to make people cry, I want to encourage and inspire, I want to write." 

Well then. Stop writing about writing and get to it! 

Readers, I'm going to plunge you into something without any exposition or introduction or background (yes, those are all the same thing...I am aware of that). 

If everything I had was taken away from me, everything I owned, used, loved, needed, wanted, cared for, visited, admired, and delighted in, was stripped away--what would I have left?

The obvious answer is Jesus. 

At least, it seems obvious to me. Perhaps it's just an automatic response though - is it simply elicited because that's what I'm supposed to say? I want to ask you a question: have you ever questioned?
No, not about what's for dinner or what the weather will be like- have you ever searched your hear, questioning and probing your faith in Christ? 

Take note, I do not mean doubt.

I mean, question. We do not doubt that the weather will help determine how we'll dress- we question what it is though so that we can make that decision. I'm not asking you to doubt your faith nor Jesus. I'm simply asking you to ask questions because I've discovered that when I do ask questions I find God clearer and more alive than ever before. Why? Because His word will not fail. He will not fail. 
The truth can withstand questioning. 
For instance: why do I believe that I'd have Jesus if all was taken away? Why do I believe that He would help me in that time? Why do I know that I'll be in Heaven with Him when I die? If you ask yourself these questions, questions that non-blievers might ask, you'll strengthen your faith and be able to witness more effectively when you are really asked these questions. 

When I hit something that I can't answer very well, I search the Bible, ask my parents or pastor and pray about it. When I'm confused about something or upset, I ask questions till I get to the root of the problem. I think I've learned about the "technique" of questioning thanks to Life Purpose Planning. In LPP we had to answer questions and so as to narrow down what it is that we really wanted to do with out lives. "What's your passion?" "Who do you feel called to serve?" "What is one thing that you absolutely must do? What would you do if you couldn't do that?" and so on. 

It's been very helpful to me and forms a foundation that is unshakable. Why? Because it's been tested and found true. It has taken the questioning and has given the answers. 

And that, is what I wrote down--on a sheet of paper with a pencil--and have typed up for my blog post. Just a random thing straight from the brain of Maryah. 

Meanwhile, I'm getting ready for Honduras I suppose...but really, I haven't done much..I'm more of the last minute packer. Actually, it's more like, last day. You can't really pack everything two days before you leave when everything that you're taking is necessary for those two days. I really can't wait though for this adventure. I can't believe that God has allowed for it all to happen! He's sooo amazing. I pray that I will be able to serve those over in Honduras and that it will be about what God has done for all of us...not what I've done for God. Because that is the reason that I do any of this. It's the reason I live: to proclaim God's goodness and capture the joy of fellow believers and share that with the world. To surrender all to Jesus because there is no other way. He is everything to me..."Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” He has commanded us to go, so Honduras, here I come. 


  1. Yay! I am in awe of you my sister!
    I'm glad that God used you in so many ways even in writing but the most biggest thing is your mission trip. I've been praying super hardly for you and I cant wait you be back from Honduras and post the words of your experience here.

    Thank you for posting here. You have inspired me in many ways. You are wonderful and loved by me :)

    1. <3 Thank you so much! I can't wait to tell you about it. :) I love you too!

  2. Just Beautiful Maryah! Thank you for being the way God made you to be..


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