The birth of Sapphire View

The sky was a clear, clear blue that Saturday morning.
The oatmeal was a pinkish, pink thanks to the raspberries and blueberries
Mixed in it I think.
The tea was black, very black and rather bitter,
Yet we drank it like one would drink coco in Winter.

Our hearts were light, our hopes in flight and,
With our running shoes tied on we ran,
Yes, ran
On that Saturday morning. The pines held a mixture of light and shadow--a chiaroscuro of sorts.
The ground was a mossy green, an okay lot
And every time our feet hit a frozen spot
It'd collapse, making the run
Fun and exciting.

That was the start, the start of that Saturday. The one I spent with my best friend, Holly.

Forgive me for being rather poetic up there--I've been studying poetry for school recently and it tends to rub off on me. :P

But it was the kind of Saturday that you turn into poetry. Or, rather, perhaps it's the kind of poetry that becomes a Saturday. It certainly seemed like an almost too-good-to-be-true day.

You get to have two days with one of your favorite persons on planet Earth.. And Mars.. AND Pluto...

Yes, it definitely was an almost too-good-to-be-true sort of day.

We went on a run, the sun was shining so cheerfully, as if to cheer us on whenever our breath grew short. Once we finished the run we walked back across the field, deciding that going on runs was going to have to be another one of those things that we do together. Another "one of those things" is painting.

Mom decided to encourage our artistic abilities and actually bought us a canvas to paint that afternoon. So, with much eager excitement we cleared the dining room and set out all the paints. We went back and forth between different ideas of what to paint and finally decided on something concerning a window and some tulips. I sketched the idea out whilst Holly read from the Bible.

Soon we had the first and only draft of what we wanted it to look like. A few added tweaks from Holly and we were ready. Holding my breath I took the ruler and drew a line on the canvas.

Every time I hesitated, Holly was right there to encourage me. Like she always is.

 And throughout the afternoon, that is all we did. Painted, mixed, painted, sang songs, and painted. It was both intense and relaxing and I felt completely absorbed. It wasn't till dinner was ready that I actually popped back into the real world and began noticing all other people around us. Holly and I had been in some other far away place, painting placidly.

So here is a picture of the finished product:

And every time I see it, I don't see the many imperfections, or any of the artistic abilities that might be hiding in there, rather instead, I see an afternoon of peaceful enjoyment in each others company as we worked side by side and, with love, applied the brush strokes. We named it Sapphire View. I really like that painting.

And I really like my best friend. :D 


  1. Replies
    1. Eg elska big.

      Sorry, (you know how exactly I said that), sorry, I said a little more. <3

  2. I love it!! you guys did a great job. and Maryah, I have missed you since the last time we chat on gmail and look!! I love your currently picture of your blog! Beautiful al always!! :)

    1. Thanks Delvalina!

      Yes, I miss you too--we should try and talk sometime. I hope you're doing well! <3


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