An opportunity for wonder

It's so easy.

Easy to fill our minds with twirling, whirling, spiraling thoughts that swoosh and pulsate us till we've been shattered into a frenzy.

Thoughts that are anxious, worrisome, and stressed. When we wonder (worry) what the weather will be, or think for a while about what we might wear.

Or when we face a cyclone of choices and feel so...incompetent.

When a day looms ahead of us and we honestly don't know what we'll do. Or when our lives loom large and alive and we can't say which way is up, because we're just twirling around in so much that soon turns into nothing.

Anxiety never helps. Worrying...never...helps.

Worrying and calling it "thinking" doesn't help either.

So whether I'm facing a small task, a big day, an unknown future, or a very known future, my default setting is wonder, wonder, wonder. Wonder if it'll be like this, wonder if it'll turn out the way I wanted.

Unfortunately, I'm not often "wondering" but instead worrying. To wonder is to "feel admiration and amazement, to marvel." Certainly not to "give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. "

And as Christians, which one are we called to? We're called to wonder--not worry. We're meant to wonder with amazement at the marvels of our God who says to not be fearful.

What are anxious thoughts then? Well, I was thinking about it, and it suddenly came upon me: anxious thoughts are opportunities for joy. When I find myself thinking a bit too much about something, I can turn that into prayer, I can surrender it to the Lord and find joy, trust, and peace knowing that He who cares for the birds of the air also cares for me. Anxious thoughts are opportunities to wonder at His love for us.

He's already taken care of every problem beforehand and I just need to wonder at His magnificence.

And when you think about it, which would you rather do? Wonder or worry?

So won't you join me in wondering at the Lord; at His sunrises and His dusk-times, His lady bugs and His rainbows, His smiles, His apples, and His plans for you which are all sufficient?
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14


  1. This is such a great post, darling. I'm always so encouraged by your writings, and this one was no exception. I love it.


  2. Thanks for sharing this Maryah. :)
    I have needed this. I have a picture with Eston on my gaduation I have wanted to show you but my camera memory broke other day :/ Thank you for your prayers it mean a lot to me. Praying for you as well.


    1. Thanks Delvalina! I would love to see that photo of you and Eston sometime!

      Praying you are well. <3

  3. oh my, I so needed this. So thank you very much for this post. I have been "worrying" a lot lately. have rent to pay and got news that I won't have a job soon....i mean I have my own photography business, but it's not thank you for this because this post, believe it or not, did put a lot of my worries to rest.
    you have blessed me today!
    I look forward to checking out more of your posts!

    Much love,

    p.s. feel free to check out my blog if you like ;)
    or if that link doesn't work, then just

    1. So glad that God was able to speak to you through this post, I'll be praying for you and your's hard to trust, but I know God will provide for you! He is faithful in the hardest times, and someday you'll be able to look back and see just how true and caring He really was during this time in your life.

      I love your blog too! Good luck with your photography business and God bless!



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