My Decision

It came to me while we sat around the table with the Spanos; they'd been telling us how they enjoyed reading some of Andrew's old blog posts from years past. I journal, but what about a blog? Something to truly challenge me to actually write something more than what I ate for breakfast and what I did after that and so on till bedtime? The writing enticed me, the challenge sealed the deal. 
I'm going to start a blog. 
But what about?? Well, there's so many types and forms of blogging, it rather overwhelmed me. You could probably think about anything in the world, and there'd be a blog for it. Not that I would guarantee that, as some of you have pretty wild imaginations. But anyway, as I was saying....what to blog about? I could have a photography blog...nah, not really up for it and I want to write. I already have a cooking blog with some colleagues. (Actually, they're really good friends, even family, but I wanted to use the word colleague). And I don't think I'm talented enough (yet) to have a music blog...every other option is either not my swing or too time consuming. Soooo, I chose...umm, writing interesting things about my life. I think I should go ahead and put my reasons for having this blog here so that I can laugh about them in a year or two, or three. 
I am starting a blog mainly for the following reasons:
1) So that I can sit around the table with the Spanos in 5 years and talk about my blog.
2) To challenge me to write something worth it. My journal is worth it to me because I know it'll be worth it to my kids. It also helps me straighten things out and helps me keep track of dates and boring stuff like that. However, I've begun to wonder if someone would ever want to read something that I wrote just because it's, well, interesting. I find reading my sister's and brother's blogs time well spent, because they've come a long way in blogging. Maybe someday I'll get good enough to produce laughter from a stranger on the other side of the virtual world. 
3) In three years I want to laugh about how horrible my grammar was....I mean, is. I don't really notice it now, but hey, we hardly recognize our flaws until we have gotten over them. 

So there are my reasons for starting a blog. Hopefully, those reasons will be defined throughout the coming days, weeks, and months, and you-get-the-idea. That is, if I keep blogging for that long...I'm guessing that I will though, because, it looks to me like life will keep moving forward (and that consequentially brings potentially interesting blog posts) and I'm also seeing a forecast of an ever growing desire to write so, seems like good ingredients for a life-long blog. Perhaps I should also just mention the reason for the blog name, "Seeing For The First Time". Basically, I was trying to think of a blog title other than "Dancing at Twilight" and since "Seeing For The First Time" is my momentarily favorite song (by Britt Nicole) and since it just seems....uhh, cool, methought it would be okay for a temporary name. Temporary, because I know that the instant I don't brainstorm about good names for a blog one will pop right into my head and I'll go, "Ah ha!" and run right to the computer and change it. 


  1. THIS is a wonderful idea! I think your reasons are more than good enough and I look forward to more. <3

  2. You know, you're grammar really isn't all that bad :)

    1. Why thank you, it really shouldn't be that bad since I spend practically half an hour making sure that everything flows right in my post. Haha, not really... ... .. .... ...... .


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