When I'm Random.

This past week I have been:

1. Pondering John 15
2. Learning how to play Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus on the piano
3. Missing my best friend
4. Drinking tea
5. Discussing Les Mis with another student from CP...and I'm quite intrigued. I'm considering reading/watching it as soon as possible. (Which basically means, as soon as I have time...which basically means, never.) Oh well. 
6. Eating lots of cauliflower
7. Watching my brothers gut deer
8. Looking forward to venison sausage!!
9. Planning
10. Praying
11. Researching Charles Dickens for a midterm paper...this will either be really good, or really not so good. I'm so decisive, I know. :P 

I've also been considering writing a post on humility, or joy, or all the horribly fantastic things that have been running around in my head but I've not been able to put them into words. 

Oh, and I made sugar free ice cream. Mhm. (For those of you that don't know, I'm gluten and sugar free ((by my own free will...as in, I'm not allergic))

A blogging friend awarded me with something called the Liebster award, so Delvalina, this is for you :D 

1. Who is the most person who inspire you in this world and why? I'd have to say that my Mom inspires me the most. Probably because I know her so well and know that she's not perfect but yet I can very clearly see her joy for Jesus as she goes throughout the day. 
2. Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night which one that you most like, why? Morning! I love morning time, it's a new day and you get to watch the sunrise if you're lucky! 
3. When you have quality time with God and worship Him, what song that always come across your mind? That's a hard one, because there's a lot of songs that I think of. One would be "I Surrender" and I suppose another would be "It Is Well With My Soul". 
4. When the first time you met God ? I was 4 years old! 
5. Who is your favorite bible figure besides Jesus? Let me think...I really like Ruth and I really like Daniel. But I think that the woman with the bleeding condition, the one that reached out to touch Jesus, would have to be one of my favorites. Her story of faith is quite incredible. 
6. What the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Jump out of my bed to turn off the alarm. And then I get ready for the day and do my devotions. 
7. Do you know Indonesia ? ;) I do not know much about Indonesia, except that Delvalina lives there! :D
 8. If you have crumples 10 dollars and nice 5 dollars, which one that you will give to God, why? Both. Because He deserves everything that we have. I'm not saying that I'm really good about doing that, but I pray that I will store my treasures in Heaven. 
9. If you could be anything, what you want to be? A missionary that must walk by faith and sees incredible things daily and travels everywhere and has lots of friends. :)
10.The best person you ever met? Jesus! And....oh, that's a hard one. Everyone that I meet, well, mostly everyone that I meet is quite wonderful and important to me, but I suppose that my best friend would have to be nearest to the top of the list. 
11. Do you comment a friend's blogs because you appreciate them as a good friend even though you dont know what should you put in comment in ? or you do it because you feel encouraged with that post? :) I usually do it because I'm encouraged by the post, or liked something that they said but I sometimes comment just because I love them. 

And I would like to do the rest of it, but I'm afraid I don't have the time. Thanks for the reward though, Delvalina!! <3 


  1. Wow Maryah! this post really made my day and God is soo beautiful inside you and so you have beautiful soul in the Lord Jesus Christ. You are truly a girl after God's own heart, and those songs are also my favorites.

    and how have been? I've been crazy busy with christmas here. is there snow in your place? :D

    I pray that you'll have mission trip in Indonesia :) this nation so needs Jesus.
    I want to be friend with you add me on your facebook by email : delva_hillsong@hotmail.com or on gmail : delvalina37@gmail.com.



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