Espera que mañana haga sol...

Translated, that means, "I hope it will be sunny tomorrow." And that's what I'm doing right now.

Hoping that it'll be sunnier tomorrow. However, hoping for tomorrow doesn't keep me from living in today. Often, I find that I will dwell on the future to the point where I become dissatisfied with the present. When in reality, what I should be doing is:
1) Setting my mind on things above and 2) living the moment I have.

Dreaming of something won't bring it any closer. Por ejemplo, if I dream about knowing Spanish fluently, it's not going to happen unless I go and study.

Or, say there's one thing that you really want to do: someplace you want to travel, some activity you want to do--maybe you want to go on a plane, or start running, whatever it is, is it going to happen just by you sitting there? Hmm...I don't think so. So what do you do? You get off of your chair and stand up and say, "I am going to read that book," or, "I am going to go on that plane," or,  "I am going to make that meal".

Maybe God has put someone on your heart. Perhaps He's prodding you to go visit them, stop in and say "Hi!" or write them a letter. Take it from me, you should do it. Por qué? Because too often I've gotten that nudge, that feeling that I should go do something or say something, and then I regret it because that moment, and maybe even that person, is gone.

Last week I'd been thinking, "I should go give Grandma a bouquet of flowers," or "I should go visit her," but I didn't do it. "Some other time," I told myself. "There's always some other time...."

Then, while out at an appointment we got a text. Grandma was in the hospital with unknown internal bleeding.

She was there for 5 days. And we weren't sure if she'd live. Thank God, they found out the problem and stopped it. Now she's home; very weak, but home. What if she hadn't lived though? I understand that God's timing is perfect and everything is covered in His grace, but I know that I would have felt badly that I hadn't visited her. So it was a good lesson to make sure that I do go do those things that 1) I feel called to do and 2) I really want to do.  
Don't just dream, do.

We only have this one day we've been given. I can hope that tomorrow will be sunny and I can hope that I know more Spanish tomorrow... though I can't control the sun, I can control my Spanish and for me, this means I'm going to go crack open my Spanish libro and do a little more reading.


  1. Okay, you've convinced me.

    I AM going to go clean my room. =P

    Great post, darling! <3


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