Loving (July)

There are many things to love about this July...


Bouquets of sweet pea flowers. These are in full bloom right now and they smell so pretty! I know that you really can't "smell" pretty, but if it's at all possible, it would be with these flowers for sure!


The long awaited arrival of the carrot harvest. Sanna has been so excited about her carrots. She waters them often and it is so cute to see her concern for them. When it storms she always asks, "Do you think my carrots will be okay?" As seen in the picture, they aren't completely developed yet, but I think that she really couldn't wait any longer. Simple Summer joys. 


Wild berries. It does not matter how scratched up I get or how buggy it is, you can find me in the Pine forest where the wild berries grow bending over backwards to get that "one berry". It's a labor of love if ever there was one, yet I find even the pain from 5 inch scratches, the moments when my hair is painfully caught on a bush and the tedious task of picking around 4 berries every 3-5 minutes strangely relaxing. The sunshine is soothing and the color of your fingers afterwards gives testimony to the splendid time you have eating them. 

Morning breakfasts with Holly. (Strawberry muffins with yogurt & blueberries). We have so much fun making (and eating) food when we're together. We've noted that my cooking/baking skills as a gluten-free and sugar-free chef have greatly improved since my first pumpkin pie flop and blueberry lime muffins back when I started more than 9 months ago. Little did I know when I started the 1 month experiment that it would turn into a lifestyle that I cannot presently see myself changing. Anyway, I certainly have improved and those strawberry muffins were proof of it. I would offer you one, but they have unfortunately vanished into thin air (a.k.a. my stomach). 


<3 There's not much more I can say to this photo, except that I am supremely blessed to have a friend like Holly. And that goes for all my other friends as well. I don't know what I'd do without you all. Praying for me while I do school, encouraging me through the hard times and simply loving me. 

I really have a lot to be thankful for. We all do, no matter how hard life gets, He will restore our soul. His mercy is new every morning and His blessings are abundant. July, as it draws to a close, has been a very wonderful month for my family and for my growth in the Lord. I pray that you will also find yourself drawn closer to the Lord in the months to come. 



  1. I think this month has been really great. I actually just looked at the calendar and realized that it's almost over...I was a bit sorry that it can't last just a little longer. But we have such good memories of the past weeks, that it rather makes up for it. ;) I'm looking forward to August and whatever it may hold [for us]. <3<3<3

    1. I know...it's August now! We do have great memories, and hopefully many more to come. <3


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