Saved From Sin

1st John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

I read that this morning and marveled at my Savior. Because just before I had opened up my worn and wrinkled Bible, I had prayed that the Holy Spirit would speak to me through the Word. And speak through the Word He did.

Often times, people say that they really struggle with sin. I suppose that everyone sins constantly and we can't even conceive just how much we sin on a day-to-day basis. But, for a little while, I was beginning to feel like I wasn't struggling with sin--I am fully aware of my broken and fallen disposition, I realize that I'm a sinner and have been ever since I was a baby. However, because I don't sin in ways that seem very obvious, I think you could say that self-righteousness was creeping up on me.

God quickly took care of that.

I began to realize that my temper wasn't as it usually is, that I would get fed up quicker than usual and that my thoughts were leaning less towards pleasing God with every action and word. It showed up some in the way I treated my family and thankfully I think that's as far as it went. I realize that something was wrong and repented of my attitude. Though I've been exhausted for the past few days, I didn't want to make an excuse: sin is sin and must be dealt with.

Despite repenting of it though, I didn't feel like I'd *really* given it up to Christ. I needed to desire to change before I asked God to change me. I had to be willing to give it up and be conformed into His image.

I called on God for forgiveness of the blatant sin and asked for His grace. I got excited as I began to comprehend that this was grace in action. A song came to my head, "Grace upon grace flows down, flows down, through the precious blood of Christ." It was so sweet--and then I saw the morning sun rising and remembered the verse in Lamentations: His mercies...they're new every morning. 

Reading the verse in 1st John and having experienced that made it all the more real to my heart. Having been saved at a very young age, I've not dealt with much condemnation of past sins (pre-salvation) and have only had convictions. In Romans Paul says that there is no condemnation for those who believe in Christ Jesus. Is that not wonderful? The feeling of being freed from my sins came upon me a a whole new way, and I began to apprehend what it is to take off the old and put on the new.

I am a new creation. Jesus has saved me from my sins and for that I am forever grateful, even if I don't always realize the complete meaning or implication of this truth, I will praise Him all the same.


  1. Amen sister! :)

    We are sinner and how He loves us.
    I feel the same thing with you here. His forgiveness brought me to the next level in my relations with other people.

    I am sinner and weak that I will always need Him everyday.

    I hope you're doing well.



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