Absolutely Astounding

At the present moment I am perched on a hotel bed, telling a pair of peeping toddler eyes to go to sleep, even though that's probably hard to do when her younger brother is crying himself to sleep just 15 feet away. However, I'm nanny here and nanny must be obeyed, so even though I can still see her little fingers holding onto the edge of her crib, I know she'll be hitting the sack soon enough.

This is the second time this week that I've been nanny. I guess you could call me a babysitter as well, but "nanny" just sounds so much more, well, professional. Mhm. I prefer the title Nanny or Governess, either will do. Tonight I'm just spending the evening at a friend's hotel room and watching their two kiddos, but this past Monday I moved into a friend's house for three days to care for their four kids.

I tell you what: caring for kids is exhausting.

But I've never been more blessed.

Even when I'm it seems like I'm juggling a billion catastrophes, they all turn out beautiful. They might end up with me cuddling a little boy by the fireplace to read a book, pulling a little red wagonload of kids around the park, or snuggling tight with a chubby little girl, mesmerized by fireworks.

And for me, that's priceless.

Mothering and all it entails is no joke, and that's why I love it. I've learned a lot this past week--a lot about parenting, kids, and myself--and despite what others might think, exhausting myself for three days in a row by caring for 4 kids under the age of 10 didn't dissuade me from wanting kids, but rather quadrupled my desire to have my own little tribe.

This is where trusting God comes in. Because if I didn't trust Him, I'd be discontent--life right now without a brood of kids to nurture seems almost dull--but I trust that this is the time that He's designated for me to prepare myself for that time when I will have a brood to nurture.

So I shall trust that a life of mothering children is in my future, and even if it's not, I'll trust that God has a reason for it just the same. There is nothing that I want more than to change the world through a child, so however that happens, I know that God will be good and faithful, and that it will be the most beautiful thing on earth.

I've become more appreciative for moms and everything that they do--that's for certain! To all moms out there that are by chance reading this: thanks so much, you're amazing.

I do believe there are supermoms...they are the moms that manage to fill the sink with dishes, fall behind 5 days of laundry,  forget that there's such a thing as staying clean, burn dinner, and still get out of bed the next morning to start again. I really, really, appreciate what you do. And if you're not a mom, well, you should go thank yours or some mom you know for being astounding, because that's what moms are: absolutely astounding.


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