Just Trying To Keep Calm

     I didn't think it'd take three, almost four, weeks. But it did.

     I wrote out my week's to-do list and I realized that I was actually feeling confident that I could do this. I mean, school. It's actually getting into the swing of things. Yes, I was a bit overwhelmed when my coach told me that I needed to double/triple up on my speed reading (AH!) so that it could be finished by next week but I think I have it under control.

     No, wait. I don't. I don't have ANYTHING under control.
It is all God, He's the One that's got a hold on everything, He's helping me keep calm.

     This morning, by the way, was beautiful. I left for church at 7 am with Andrew since he was on worship team and I thought I was on overhead, but really I wasn't but it doesn't matter--I like going to church early anyway.
     The drive was just...stunning. The sun looked like a crown rising over the golden leaves and hill tops and the mist made islands for our ship to go through. The beauty of the morning was overwhelming I must say. And I just sighed and thought to myself, "The world is so beautiful. And we're so broken...so broken that we're beautiful. Some might call us pitiful, and we are, but because of Christ, we're beautiful."
     Kind of like The Beautiful Letdown by Switchfoot. Anywho, it was a marvelous morning and it was worth it all. Not that I really went out of my way at all, I always wake up at 6 o'clock, if not earlier. I took my devotions, A Tale of Two Cities, and my worldviews book and read those in the auditorium and then took care of all the overhead setting up.

     Today's sermon was one of those that makes you go, "Whoa, seriously? It just so happens that this is exactly what I've been thinking about all week!" And that would be evangelism. Maybe it's Navigate (a life purpose planning course with CP) or maybe it's Youth Camp, or perhaps it's the focus that our church seems to have taken these past four weeks--I'm inclined to think it's a bit of all of them.
But I really have been concentrating on missions/evangelism recently. And the thing about this is that it won't stop.  At least, I pray it won't.

     After church we had youth group, and the game of the day was human foosball. Ahahaha, that was really, actually, surprisingly fun. I got to hold my best friends' hands the whole time and kick the ball and get all hot in the Fall sunshine so of course it was great. And then we sat down in the grass and some clouds rolled over and it became cold and we discussed the sermon with our new youth group leaders (Hi Jeff and Rachel!!!). I'm so excited about having them as our new leaders! :)

     We came back home and I scrubbed a bunch of sweet potatoes and threw them in the oven. An hour or so later we were eating those delicious potatoes with grilled chicken and salad. And now I'm gearing up for another week of school and I should also began gearing up for bed because waking up at 6:00 each morning requires some early going-to-bed.

So that's me on my Sunday. Very condensed of course. I'm just trying to keep calm.


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