Love Alone is Worth the Fight

Love is not something you hide. Real, true, and pure love is a display, an action, a celebration. It's something that makes you leap over the sofa, through the hallway, out the door and into the street - feet on wet ground - and causes you to collide with the loved one in a similar fashion to the big bang. Particle #1 collides with Particle #2 and bang! love and life is celebrated in a twirling, whirling hug; there's a new world of possibilities in such an embrace. 

Love doesn't mind being over the top when it's real - the only time that the display of love makes other people upset is when they envy it. And so many people envy it. With or without knowing it, there are people devoid of love in their lives. 

Listen: life is hard, it's hard and it's short - so love well. More than well, love extraordinarily, unceasingly, and confidently. I'm not saying that it's all one big party. Far from it.

It's about sticking next to someone when they're sick and vomiting on your shoes, it's about confession and repentance - tears in the night. It's about prayer and praise in good and bad. It's about turning a bad day into a marvelous day, and being there to comfort your loved one when a marvelous day is turned into a nightmare. Yet it's also about laughing and creating and living life together.

Love leaps the walls of this world - physical walls, cultural walls, and linguistic walls. Love is willing to stub it's toe, burn it's arm, take a bullet. Why? Because love alone is worth the fight that it takes to cherish, protect, and treasure it.

Want to live well? Love well. And don't ever, ever, ever miss the chance to run into another's arms and exclaim how much you love them. It's a fragile world and we've been so blessed simply to breathe. 

So go ahead, give a bear hug, squeeze a hand, look someone in the eyes. God created us to be together because He knows what happens when we're together: we reflect Him through the act of love. For He is Love Himself. 


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