Once In a Blue Moon...

...I will post a post that is just random stuff from my day (and manage to offend all astrologers):

Misha: "Mom, should I take my vitamin D and C too?"
Mom: "Yes, don't even ask me, take them every single morning of your life."
I love my Mom. :)

I was finishing up my English Literature assignment when Isaac informed me that some astronomers are actually REPLACING the constellation Scorpius with some weird dude named Ophiuchus that is wrestling a snake.

Apparently it will help out with some scientific problem or something...you can read about it here.

The last part of the story is priceless, they're giving some of the pros of changing the zodiak sign and this one lady...oh, she made me laugh:
Angelica Spock from University of Missouri added, "It's no secret that astrological predictions have never been less reliable [than] they are today. (D'ya think???) My horoscope is almost never right any more. (Hmm, wonder why...) Maybe this will help astrologers get their act together."
Hahahaha. So anyway. If you are an astrologer I'm sorry, we all know you're just trying to find some meaning in life--it's just that there's cooler ways to look like a fool. 

Moving on, though not completely because this is astronomically related, and for those of you that don't know, I actually love astronomy. 

Two years ago my Mom did an astronomy course for our science and if you don't know much about it, I greatly urge that you look into it some (astronomy, not astrology) because there's so much amazing God glorifying stuff to learn from the sky!

Did you know that tonight is a blue moon? So you know all those times you've said, "once in a blue moon?" Well. All that stuff like,
"I only clean my closet once in a blue moon," or even more bizarre stuff like,
"we only eat hot dogs stuffed with intestines and guts once in a blue moon" or even weirder like,
"I get this strange reaction to air and it causes my whole left side to swell up and become tea cup shaped, but don't worry--it's only once in a blue moon."

See, all of that stuff, well, it's got to happen tonight.
No, just kidding.
Kind of.

What do you do once in a blue moon?

And for those of you that don't know what a blue moon is. (I'll give you a hint, it's not blue) check this out here. And even for those of you that do, it's always good to get a reminder...and I loved the part about how this occurrence of a blue moon is happening on Neil Armstrong's memorial service.

This blue moon won't happen again until 2015 so take a moment to step outside and observe tonight's moon and remember the man that stood on the moon for the first time and observed us. :)

Okay, so now we're past all the astronomical happenings of the day. Some other snippets of my day would include practicing with my string trio and homemade pizza. Enough said.

And then two different scriptures that have helped me:

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."  ~2 Corinthians 4:17-18    

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." ~Philipians 1:21

Can I ever get enough of it? 

Right now, though at times the pain is well, painful, this is Christ. This is what we've been called to do. We're living for Christ. We are the body of Christ. So to live is Him. To die, is to be with Him. What could be better than that?  


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