To Run or Not To Run...

     Actually, the real question is to run, or to sprint? But since I'm kind of in a William Shakespeare mood I went with the classic "to so and so, or to not so and so" format.

     I've gotten so that I can run a mile without getting sore, this may or may not be pathetic. But anyway, I need to decide if I want to do endurance training or sprinting. I've kind of always preferred endurance and long distance (for me, that'd be a 5k) but sprinting is showing a few pros that should be considered.

Running: I like running in 5k's and to be able to run three miles comfortably is a nice accomplishment that really strengthens.


Sprinting: Builds up core muscles and is quicker, with the onset of college in two weeks (!!!) as Mom said, something quick might be better.

     The downside of running would be how long it takes to run three miles, it's not just a "I think I'm gonna run a quick mile" like I used to, it's a, "I'll be back in 45 minutes, gonna go run three miles!" unfortunately. :)

     The downside of sprinting is that I really do like doing 5k's (the Pie and Glove, Bob Bridgman...) and there are somedays when the motivation for sprinting is harder to come by than the motivation for a slow moving but long run.

     Last night I had all the motivation I needed to sprint a whole mile non-stop, but then again, coyotes don't howl out a blood curdling shriek every night. And Bella is more or less a set back, she can't run that fast all the way (she can go fast, very fast, but not for long) and I really do want her with me so either she'll have to join me in sprint training or lag behind. :)

     Right about now, the cons for sprinting are making me lean more towards running long distance but I guess the real deciding factor will be what I feel up for next time I go on a run...or sprint.


  1. Oh yeah, totally understand this perdiciment. Is that how you spell it? ;) I love the conclusion you came to though.
    I so tend to go for the long distance, but...I love the benefits of sprints. Gonna try for more sprints/and or mile repeats this fall. : ) I'll think of you as I'm doing my 400s here in VA.

  2. I'm actually planning on trying Cross Country this fall with Nova Athletic Club. I have been praying about it and I was(still a bit am) worried about over scheduling, but God sort of placed it in my lap and that's what I prayed he'd do if he wanted me to do it. I wish you could join the team too. : )
    When does school start for you? Are you excited?
    Hope you have a lovely night dear Maryah

  3. Yeah, I think I might alternate....right now I'm trying to run every other day, if I were to be able to sprint one day, and run the other, I know I'd be really sore for a while but it's a possibility. Do you have any suggestions my running friend?? :) That sounds great about the Nova Athletic Club! Yes, I wish I could run with you. That would be so much fun. I never really thought I would EVER be interested in running track or cross country, but the more that I think about it, the more I would like to. :) I'm starting school on the 3rd, yes, I'm really excited!!!! Have a lovely night yourself dear Rachel. :)

  4. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. Alternating is like the number 1 thing that I read is best to do. Ummm... I like to always stretch after my runs. It seems to help the soreness. : ) I need to be better about warming up...oh well. I'll work on it.
    Oh, I imagine you would love Track/Cross Country. They are great sports from what I've seen so far on the "team level".
    I so happy to hear you're excited about school. Let me know how it goes.
    Rachel (Oh, I need to go to the previous comments to see the nickname you suggested, I forgot!)
    Have a great night.

  5. Alternating may be the #1 best thing to do, but it's also the #1 hardest thing to do!! It's just that with sprinting it's good to be warmed up and with the evenings getting shorter and shorter I have to make sure that I'm out there getting warmed up early enough to have day light while sprinting. I can run/sprint in the afternoon but I greatly prefer evening runs.

    I will be sure to let you know how school goes. It starts in a week, :D :D :D


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