Leaves Falling In Love

Apple cider cookies, two freshly baked apple pies, chocolate chip pumpkin bars in the oven.

A soft blow of wind and a rush of leaves colored sunshine.

The steaming mug of tea and a classic book.

A deep breath.

A sigh.

It's Fall time.

A time for baked goods that warm the house, a time for a waterfall of leaves practically playing music as they fall, like my fingers on the piano. A time of the freshest air on earth and color at every turn.

Even the rainy days are comforting.

For some reason, Fall makes a letter in the mail more romantic, music more enhanced, thoughts deeper and more open.

In short, Fall makes love. And beauty. And grace. Fall makes me happy.

And Fall makes one contemplate. Take for instance, these past two or so days. I don't know about you, but I've done a whole lot of contemplation recently. The definition of "contemplate" is as follows:
"Look carefully for a long time at" "Think profoundly and at length." 

Indeed, I have been thinking profoundly and at length about things.

"Well, what kind of things have you been thinking about, Maryah?" 

I smile. My fingers pause on the keyboard to find the right words...


The selfless love by which He died. The love that was in His command, "Go ye into all the earth..." I've been asking, seeking, knocking and I have been finding.

Oh, CollegePlus, did you know the journey that I set out on when I began you? Were you always expectant and knowing of how you were to change me? Is that why you were so excited? For I merely thought of education, I thought I had it planned out, I figured I would get a certain degree and if I had that degree everything else would fall into place! But alas, you know that that is not how it works. I need a purpose, I can't wander aimlessly thinking that a degree is all I need.
I need a plan. God's plan.

Is it possible? Was I expecting this? Hahaha, no...I was not.

First it's videography, then it's videography and missions, and then it's videography missions with medical influence and then it's videography missions meeting the heart and medical needs of children!    
But mostly the heart.
Says I, "Whoooooaaa, WHAT!?!?!"
You reply, "Oooooh, yes indeed."
I go, "Seriously?!?!"
And You say, "As serious as I've ever been."
Me: "....."
You: "Mhmm."

And then I break into laughter and You join me and I wonder at what the future holds and you smile because You know, "there is a hope for your future..." Jeremiah 31:17.

I love God. I love Fall. I love. 


  1. You have beautiful posts here, with blessing stories, blessing encouragement words..

    Let God shine through your beautiful. and thanks for following me :)



    1. Thank you Delvalina! I love your blog, it's so beautiful and inspirational! I'm honored to have you following my blog. :)

  2. hey! I found your blog through Isabelle's blog and just wanted to say hey! If you want to find out more about me you can visit my blog at rebecca-pm.blogspot.com thanks again, and I love your back round :)

    1. Thanks Rebecca! (I love your name btw! :D) You have a beautiful blog, thank you for following mine! :)


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