More than just a week

Early morning devotions with my best friend, bobby pins, jazz shoes and sore feet have filled this crazy week. Not-to-mention long walks, good food, sore throats, and tea. Above and beyond all of that though is God. The One that gave me strength to dance when I had none, fun beyond imagination and wonderful friends and family to cheer me on.

Every year a church nearby holds a one-week, girl's Dance Camp that is the highlight of the Summer for me. It starts Monday morning with practices and classes every day concluding with a performance on Friday evening. I was in the 9th-12th grade class with Miss Mariah and Miss Mary as the amazing teachers. We learned an awesome dance to Surrender by Flame ft. V. Rose but we learned more than that too. 

Throughout the week I've had my outlook on life gradually shifted. It's gone from school, school, God, school, food, school, to something that I've always known but never really practiced: relationships. People, friends. A right relationship with God and a right relationship with people.

It was mid-week as I was playing a game with my two friends, Brookie and Holly, when I said, "Ugh, I feel like I need to study my Spanish!" Holly looked at me and in essence said: "Maryah, you were studying Spanish yesterday. Your life has been school, just take it easy!"

It's true, my life has been school. God has been so kind though to give me a little push on the shoulder, a little reminder that my focus needs to be on Him and His people.

Since my best friend came to live with me for the week, I was constantly reminded of the importance of relationships, love, and humility. We had a blast doing all sorts of different things, too many things to count. But most importantly, we grew as God girls and as friends--we learned dances, yes, but we learned about God more than anything else. And I love Him more than anything else.

Dance Camp had about 230 girls this year; 230 girls that can rise up and be lights in this generation for all to see. Because when you love Jesus, it'll show. Your relationships will be different, your smile will be different, your heart will be different.

It was an amazing week, one that I will remember for a long time. A lot of changes are happening in the upcoming weeks, so I suppose it will be especially imprinted on my mind as something that was better than I could imagine. More than I had prayed for. And more than just a week.


  1. I love you! It was an amazing week. <3

  2. It seems that you girls have amazing week.
    So you can dance? will you teach me my sister.

    Hope to talk to you soon.



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