What living is about.

Living, I've recently discovered, is not about living...or dying. It's about giving.

I wish that I could transplant cancer into the souls of every human being so that they could suddenly see the reality of a last breath, know the smell of Death's approaching stench, and feel the need, the urgency, for Christ.

If every person lived their lives in light of eternity, in the urgency of the Gospel, we'd actually be able to accomplish something. Some people do, and praise God for such people, but I wish I could somehow show you the importance of giving while you live.

In the end, all we have is what we give away--since you can't take this world with you, the knowledge and peace that comes from knowing that you gave to the least of these is all that you can have as you reach your end. Jesus asks us, commands us, to give everything, especially our lives, away for Him.

So have you done that? What if you were faced with the fact that you would die this year? Really, any of us could die at any moment, and we don't live in fear for that moment because we know Christ...but have you considered what you might do differently if you were suddenly be face down in front of a Holy God?

These thoughts have been on my mind recently, and I just really want to see more people abandoning there lives for Christ. Living a lifestyle of giving. I know I need to work harder on that and I often need to be reminded that our time here is short, whether or not I like it.

The joy of trusting Jesus is the sweetest thing I know and I pray that you know it too, and hopefully you'll be able to grow more into His likeness...giving of yourself every single day. So that when you and I stand before God in Heaven we can know that we didn't hold anything back for Him.

Let's give.

"It's more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35


  1. amen sister! So true!

    all in in this life is about giving and given.

    more give more given...but for it all God did first He gave His darling heaven Jesus Christ.

    And I agree with you, when we give it through His love, it will satisfy our soul with peace and joy.

    Thank you for the sweet prayers.


  2. Have you heard Francis Chan's message "What do you need to be Happy"? It's a rather convicting message on contentment and giving.

    1. Chan's sermons are a favorite of mine! However, I've never heard that one; I'll be sure to listen to it soon. Thank you!


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