One Year

"Maryah," Mom said, "you'll be a junior before you're 16, right?"
"Yep!" I replied.
"Good, that's my goal for you: be a junior before you hit 16."

I smiled. It's always good to have goals, especially when those goals are good. Remembering one year ago today and the goals that I made for the first time with my CollegePlus coach, it's pretty easy to have my mind blown by how much God has accomplished in one year.

I was just starting out on my CollegePlus adventure, quite unaware of all that it held (and holds) for me. Oblivious to major life decisions, Honduras, and the Mansfield University testing center. All of which were awaiting me in the months following my first call. In fact, it's easy to sense how little I was expecting when you read posts like this one which I wrote after I found out that I'd be doing CP and this one, written after my first few days of doing CP.

Meanwhile, a year has gone by and though I could point to 50-some college credits as proof of a lot going on, instead I find the most evidence when I look into my heart, this changed heart, and then look up to God and just breathe in His goodness.

Because only He knew that when I started I was actually embarking on what would prove to be more than school, but rather a preparation for life itself. Only He knew that what laid ahead of me were some of the most challenging and rewarding months I'd experience to date.

And I find that I'm still growing, I still have a huge part of CollegePlus laying before me, but a lot more faith and joy has been poured into my heart and definitely a lot more knowledge.

If anyone were to ever ask on one of those silly surveys whether or not I'd recommend CollegePlus to a friend, the answer would be a huge, "YES!" and as a side note, I'd state that I do recommend it constantly. I'm so thankful to God for the way He has blessed me through CollegePlus, through the people that have impacted my life, whether they're Stephanie or just a CP friend that prayed for me on the Forums, they're all important and so integral in the process of who I've become and who I will be.

I'm thankful to my parents, who have supported me and will always support me. For the ways they've accommodated for my crazy study habits (like my going to bed at 9 and waking up at 5) and their encouragement when I'm having a hard time studying.

All this, and I haven't even graduated yet! If my cup is overflowing now, I  just can't wait till the day that I do graduate because I'm sure I'll be exploding! It's been one great year... now onwards and upwards to what this next year has in store.


  1. Wow, a year! It's been that long since we sat downstairs in the guest bedroom waiting for the rest of my friends to arrive for my birthday party, while you excitedly told me all about CP? Yet...I don't have a hard time believing it. We've really changed in a year, haven't we? It feels like so long ago, last year.
    I thank God a million times over that I've had you by my side this year, and that I've been by yours, during what I believe has been the biggest growing season of my life. I'm so proud of you, and I'm on the edge of my seat to see what God will do in us this coming year.

    1. Yeah, on the edge of my seat is a good description!

      Whoops! Just fell off. =P

      I also thank God a million times for you--and now that you're starting CC, it's just...wonderful! :D

      I love you! <3

  2. Hahaha! X)

    I knowww, it is. ^.^

  3. what a delightful goal to your mom :)
    your mom sounds like mine Maryah. and I am glad about your journey of studies and God has been so good there.
    I cant wait till the day you graduate..keep me posted.



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