My Announcement

Some writers or story tellers tell their tales in round-about ways. You'll listen to their monologue for 7 or more minutes and not know what they're leading up to. (Grandparents have a tendency to do this). Worse yet, you read an entire book and never know what the author wanted to convey. I hate it when that happens.

Certain people start at the beginning of the story because they know the main point is intriguing but you, the listener/reader, must trust that they are indeed telling you something worth knowing.

I've heard that the best way to tell a story is to state the point and then explain it in detail if received well. This is so that you can gauge how much of your story you should tell by their reaction. Por ejemplo, in which situation should I give greater details to my listener:

Situation 1.

Me: I went to Honduras
My listener: Oh, that's neat...what do you want for dinner?

Or situation 2.

Me: I went to Honduras
My listener: That's awesome, how on earth did that happen?

Did you choose situation 2? I'm so proud of you, good job! :) Yes, obviously I would give more info to the person in the second conversation. Rather than start a conversation that begins with,
"Well, a few months ago I was thinking about wanting to go somewhere and do something and I got my passport,"  that completely bores the listener to partial insanity, and then freaks them out to death when the story culminates to my having gone to Honduras and them already having known about it, I should be concise and say, "I went to Honduras". Therefore they could say,
 "Yeah, I heard,"
"Yeah, I'm not interested," or,
"Yeah? Tell me more!" instead of me hospitalizing my listener in the act of telling them a story.

This is all purely exaggerated comedy, but as with all comedy to some degree, there is truth in it! As for me,  I'm the kind of person who tends to tell the main point after a long, winding road of usless information that gives no advantage to my reader whatsoever and will only be useful to them after they're interested and want to know more. Most of my posts are like that. If you reach my 6th paragraph and still don't know what I'm saying but haven't clicked on a more attractive link, you qualify as a faithful reader. Thank you.

But that's besides the point. (Now is when you ask, "Well then, what is the point that we have gotten to the side of anyhow?)

And now is when I answer: We moved.

Ha. I know. You weren't expecting that. My sister has done a much more eloquent job getting the story out (but don't read it till you're done here) and I'm sure I could have said it in a manner that would have managed to keep at least 5 of you reading to this point, but I thought it was rather funny and I came up with the opening to this post prior to deciding that I wanted to write a post so I considered it a good one.

(Ever notice that I write very long sentences? Yeah, me neither.)

If that didn't lose you already, the only reason you're still reading is because you want me to expound.

By saying that we moved I mean that my family and I have relocated. We no longer live on our farm in Pennsylvania in our pine saltbox house with our chickens and dog and yard. I don't wake up in my room up in the loft every morning, nor do I write blog posts on my computer in the basement.

Now I awake in my bed (which is a loft bed, but not in such that it's located in the loft, but rather that it is called that because it is like a bunk bed without a twin beneath it...instead there's a full) and I'm typing this on my computer on the living room floor.

We have "pets", or at least to the degree that a woodchuck, seagull, and otter can be considered "pets". I mean, they have names, so I suppose that's the only real qualification as far as I am concerned.

We traded a yard in for a lake (it's not too shabby either) and the country in for the town. At least for one year. Because we're renting in this apartment of 800 sq feet and somehow we downsized from a house of 4 levels to this "room" of two bedrooms and a somewhat interestingly defined living space, dining area, and kitchen.

What do I think about it? I love it. Besides that, I'm sure I'm forgetting many other important/interesting details, but I've probably taken up enough of your time already and therefore shall leave all questions to be pondered and all adventures to be discovered and explained in future posts.


  1. YOU MOVED?!?!?!?

    And you didn't tell me???? Heavens, I don't even know where you ARE!!!!

    *suppressed giggles*


    1. Oh dear, I knew I was forgetting to tell you something at our last sleepover!!! See, I thought it'd just be better to not tell you that we moved...I know it's wrong, but I know you're sooo bad at keeping secrets and if I had told you, someone would have found out. So there. That's the truth. Sorry I didn't tell you. *sigh*.

      XD XD XD

    2. Hahahaha!!! Our last sleepover....XD Yes, I am pretty terrible with secrets...I suppose if you had told me, I would have pasted it all over Google+ *and* Mom's fb. ;)

    3. I knew that you would..that's why. I'm glad you agree with me, because we all know how sinister you are with all of your social websites and such. :P


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